Ronald L. Jacobs and the SiTUATE team host various structured on-the-job training workshops and make regular appearances at human resources events around the world.
Upcoming Workshops
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Recorded Workshops
Tracking the Impacts of Structured On-the-Job Training
Recorded Feb.3, 2023
Occupational Standards, Apprenticeships and Training
Recorded Dec. 6, 2022
Learn how the SITUATE platform can benefit your organization!
Recorded September 23, 2022
Intro to SiTUATE (French)
Recorded July 5, 2022
Structured On-the-Job Training and Calculating Its Financial Impacts
Recorded May 27, 2022
This two-hour workshop discusses the differences between traditional OJT and S-OJT and shows how to calculate the financial benefits of S-OJT. This information has become increasingly important in organizations today.
Workshop on S-OJT and calculating its financial benefits - YouTube
Apprenticeship Programs and SiTUATE
Recorded April 15, 2022
This two-hour session shows how SiTUATE can be used to plan, deliver, and manage both the OJT and RTI portion of apprenticeship programs. Most apprenticeships are based on a set of guidelines which define the occupation. SiTUATE provides templates for conducting a job and task analysis derived from the guideline, preparing the training guides for the structured on-the-job training to be used by the employer, and a performance check for mentors to evaluate whether the apprentice has actually learned to perform the task. An Apprentice Tracker features a cross-walk showing the tasks and the components of the guideline, and a learning roadmap for the apprentice.
S-OJT Train the Trainer
Recorded March 18, 2022
This two-hour awareness session introduces how to prepare experienced employees as S-OJT trainers. The success of work-based learning program depend on the effectiveness of trainers. Yet, most traditional train-the-trainer programs focus on the delivery of training in a classroom, not the actual work setting, which calls for a different set of skills.
Work Analysis: Documenting What People Do in the Workplace
Recorded February 18, 2022
This two-hour awareness session introduced work analysis, focusing specifically on analyzing occupations, jobs, and tasks. Discussion also briefly focused on analyzing the competencies of individuals. Work analysis is critical for designing apprenticeship programs and employee training programs, regardless of the training approach used. Yet, the most effective skills-based training involves structured on-the-job training (S-OJT).
SiTUATE: The Only Software Solution for Structured On-the-Job Training
Recorded January 27, 2022
Other Recent Appearances
Academy of Human Resource Development Masterclass Podcast
Episode 4: Training & Development
Frederickson Learning Thought Leader Series
Work-based learning: even more important in today's fast-changing workplace
Saudi Aramco Corporate Academy Speaker Series
February 27, 1:00-2:30 p.m. Arabian Standard Time (Riyadh)
Apprenticeships and Technology: The Digital Version of Structured On-the-Job Training
August 25, 2021 at the 9th International Skills Forum, Asian Development Bank, Manila
Skills Development Using Digital Technology: Challenges and Promises
2021 ASEAN+3 HRD Forum
Conference Theme: Towards Green, Resilient and Inclusive Growth: Building Back Better through Skills Development and Employment
November 4-5, 2021 Online
Innovation in a Time of Change: Pre-Conference Session at Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) Research Conference in Asia
November 16, 2021 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia